Patient Rights and Responsibilities
McLean Tysons Orthopedic Surgery Center, LLC (MTOSC) must and does respect, protect and promote your rights as a patient, recognizing that each patient is an individual with unique health care needs. Because of the importance of respecting each patient’s personal dignity, the Center strives to provide considerate, respectful care focused upon each patient’s individual needs.
As a patient at MTOSC, LLC you have options for your care and treatment. Your doctors and other health care professionals will offer information and advice concerning appropriate, comprehensive medical care. At the same time, we realize that any stresses of worry, concern and discomfort may make understanding information and coming to decisions more difficult. As your caregivers, we will do our best to ensure a process that will enable you to make the decisions best for you, including the decision to discontinue treatment, to the extent permitted by law.
It is the Center’s obligation and privilege to inform you of and explain (in a language you can understand), your rights and responsibilities as a patient, and assist you in exercising these rights.
MTOSC, LLC has established written policies regarding your rights as a patient and has developed procedures implementing these policies. These rights, policies and procedures affirm the Center’s promise to uphold your rights as a patient, or when appropriate, your representative’s right on your behalf (as allowed under State law) to the following:
Patient Rights
Patients have the rights to:
- Considerate, dignified, and respectful care in a safe, comfortable environment.
- Personal privacy and confidentiality.
- Be free from all forms of abuse or harassment.
- Know the names of the health care providers furnishing care to you and their role in your care and the right to change providers if other qualified providers are available.
- Treatment by compassionate, skilled, qualified health professionals.
- Be informed about and participate in your care and treatment planning.
- Make informed decisions.
- Timely information regarding Center policy that may limit its ability to implement a legally valid advance directive.
- Refuse treatment as allowed by law.
- Be free from discrimination or reprisal.
- Evaluation, service and/or referral as indicated by the
urgency of the case. - To be transferred to another healthcare facility when medically necessary with explanation concerning this
need, its risks and alternatives, as well as acceptance by the receiving institution in advance of such transfer. - Consent or decline to participate in proposed research studies or human experimentation affecting care or
treatment. - Review and obtain copies of your medical records.
- Receive treatment in an environment that is sensitive to your beliefs, values and culture.
- Be informed about the care you will need after discharge.
- The right to know your physician may have ownership in the Center.
- The right to file a verbal and/or written grievance as outlined in the Grievance Policy.
- To be fully informed about your treatment and the expected outcomes and potential risks of your procedure.
- If a patient is adjudged incompetent by a under applicable state law, the rights of the patient are exercised
by the person appointed under state law to act on that patient’s behalf, or if a state court has not adjudged a patient incompetent, any legal representative or surrogate designated by the patient in accordance with state law may exercise the patient’s rights to the extent allowed by
state law.
Patient Responsibilities
Patients have the responsibility to:
- Give us complete and accurate information about your medical history, including all prescription and nonprescription medications you are taking.
- Tell us what you need. If you do not understand your care plan, ask questions.
- Be part of your care.
- To arrange for a responsible adult to provide transportation home and to
remain with you for 24 hours after your procedure. - To follow up on your doctor’s instruction, take medication when prescribed, to
make and keep follow–up appointments as directed, and ask questions concerning your own health care as
necessary. - To fully participate in decisions involving your own health care and to accept the consequences of these decisions if complications occur.
- If you are not satisfied with your care, please tell us how we can improve.
- Be respectful and considerate of the rights of other patients, families, and Center personnel.
- Give us any insurance information we need to help get your bill paid and fulfill financial obligations to the
Center. Any verification of benefits, if provided, has been provided as a courtesy to you. This is not a guarantee of payment. Insurance benefits can sometimes be quoted incorrectly. We strongly recommend that you contact your health plan to verify your insurance information and benefits.
Notice of Physician Ownership
MTOSC operates this licensed outpatient surgical center (the “Center”) that provides various outpatient surgery services to our patients. As such, your physician may have an ownership interest in the Center. We respect the rights of our patients to choose not only their surgeon but also where they wish to have their surgery. If you have any questions, concerns or issues related to the ownership of the facility, please discuss them with your physician or contact the facility Administrator.